Learning Objectives:
(1) Be able to calculate internal force, stress, strain, and strength of structural element under static loading conditions.
(2) Understand constitutive behavior for linear elastic structures.
(3) Students are expected to perform deflection and stress analysis for bars, beams, and shafts.
Class schedule and classroom: M & W 10:15-11:30 am @ R2201 EB3
Dr. Hsiao-Ying Shadow Huang (faculty page)
Office: 3158 EB3.
Office Hours: 1 pm – 2 pm, Mondays and Wednesdays
E-Mail: hshuang@ncsu.edu
Textbook: Mechanics of Materials, 7th Edition, Beer, F.P., Johnston, E.R., et al., McGraw-Hill.
Inclass activities via Clickers:
Inclass activities via Top Hat:
Syllabus, Reading Assignment, and Lecture Notes:
Lecture 1 | Intro. & Review Statics |
Lecture 2-4 | Ch. 1: Stress |
Lecture 5-8 | Ch. 2: Stress and Strain |
Lecture 9-11 | Ch. 3: Torsion |
Lecture 12-13 | Review & Test 1 |
Lecture 14-15 | Ch. 4 & 5: Bending |
Lecture 16 | Ch. 6: Shear |
Lecture 17-18 | Ch. 9: Deflection |
Lecture 19-21 | Ch. 7: Mohr’s Circle |
Lecture 22-23 | Review & Test 2 |
Lecture 24-25 | Review for Final |
HW assignments:
HW 1 | Due on Aug. 29 | Problems 1.1, 1.8, 1.11, 1.16, 1.36 | hw1 solution |
HW 2 | Due on Sept. 7 | Problems 1.40, 2.17, 2.19, 2.22 | hw2 solution |
HW 3 | Due on Sept. 14 | Problems 2.33, 2.35, 2.40, 2.46 | hw3 solution |
HW 4 | Due on Sept. 26 | Problems 2.47, 2.58, 2.65, 3.4, 3.11 | hw4 solution |
HW 5 | Due on Oct. 03 | Problems 3.34, 3.35, 3.49, 3.55 | hw5 solution |
HW 6 | Due on Oct. 17 | Problems 4.2, 4.10, 5.15, 5.17 | hw6 solution |
HW 7 | Due on Oct. 24 | Problems 6.9, 6.15, 6.18, 9.2, 9.3 | hw7 solution |
HW 8 | Due on Oct. 31 | Problems 9.5, 9.6, 7.4, 7.16 | hw8 solution |
HW 9 | Due on Nov. 07 | Problems 7.33, 7.37, 7.100, 7.104 | hw9 solution |
Many in-class activities | = | 20% |
9 Homeworks | = | 20% |
Test 1 on Oct. 05 | = | 30% |
Test 2 on Nov. 09 | = | 30% |
Final (optional) on Dec. 14 from 8-11 am | = | 30% |
Grade Distribution:
97% -100% = A+ | 94% -96% = A | 90% -93% = A- | 87% -89% = B+ | 84% -86% = B | 80% -83% = B- |
77% -79% = C+ | 74% -76% = C | 70% -73% = C- | 67% -69% = D+ | 64% -66% = D | 60% -63% = D- |
0% -59% = F |
Policies, Regulations, and Rules:
- All homework papers are required to be stapled in the upper left-hand corner (failing to do so will result in a zero grade) and turned in before 2:00 pm. Homeworks will not be accepted late.
- Attendance in class is required. Make-up work will be available only for excused absences and a written request with explanation will be required. It must be arranged within two weeks of the due date at the option of the instructor, prior to two weeks before the end of classes.
- Test discussion should be within one week after the tests are returned.
- Students are expected to be familiar with the University policy on Academic Integrity.
- An Honor Pledge is expected to be signed and dated on each test, final exam, and any additional special assignments. The Honor pledge will be as follows: ”I have neither given nor received unauthorized aid on this test, exam or special assignment. I have not discussed the contents of this test or exam prior to taking it.”
- Reasonable accommodations will be made for students with verifiable disabilities.
I have read the syllabus for MAE 214 and understood the policies, regulations, and rules.
Print: _____________________________________________
Signature: _____________________________________________
Date: _______________