
Hongjiang Chen, Ph.D.: The Mechanical-Electrochemical Coupling Effects in Lithium-ion Batteries under Non-equilibrium Process. Read More (2024).

Sangwook Kim, Ph.D.: Multiphysics and Multiscale Investigation of Advanced Lithium Batteries. Read More (2019).

Siyao Huang, Ph.D.: Investigation of Structure-Mechanics-Property Relations in Heart Valve Tissues. Read More (2014).

Cheng-Kai ChiuHuang, Ph.D.: Modeling the diffusion-induced stresses in lithium-ion batteries. Read More (2014).


Pankaj Dhiman, M.S.: Dislocation Based Stresses during Electrochemical Cycling and Phase Transformation in Lithium-ion Batteries. Read More (2019).

Kaitlyn Barbour, M.S.: Stress Relaxation Behaviors of Porcine Heart Valve Leaflets. Read More (2017).

Nayyan Kaul, M.S.: Constitutively Model and Compare the Structural-Mechanical Properties of Jugular Vein Tissue. Read More (2016).

Jiaqi Lu, M.S.: Biaxial Mechanical Properties of Venous Valve Leaflet Tissues. Read More (2016).

Sangwook Kim, M.S.: Stresses at Electrode-Electrolyte Interface in Lithium-ion Batteries via Multiphysics Modeling. Read More (2015).

Martin W. Ayers, M.S.: Lithium-Oxygen Batteries – A Comprehensive Finite Element Model. Read More (2015).

Michael A. Stamps, M.S.: Fracture mechanics and fatigue analysis of lithium-ion batteries. Read More (2012).

Yixu Richard Wang, M.S.: Lithium-Ion Battery Cathode Materials Structure Failure Investigation. Read More (2011).