at North Carolina State University: (2010-Present):
MAE 214: Solid Mechanics (web)
MAE 316: Strength of Mechanical Components (web)
MAE 206: Engineering Statics (web)
MAE 301: Engineering Thermodynamics 1 (web)
MAE 541: Advanced Solid Mechanics 1 (On-Campus)
at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (2008):
Spring 2008
3.046: Thermodynamics of Materials (co-taught) (web)
at the University of Pittsburgh: (May 2004 – Dec. 2005):
Fall 2005:
ME 1038: Design for Manufacturing (syllabus | web)
ME 1028: Mechanical Design I (syllabus | web)
ENGR 0135: Statics and Mechanics of Materials I (syllabus)
Summer 2005:
ME 0022: Kinematics of Machinery (syllabus | web)
ME 1029: Mechanical Design II (co-taught) (syllabus | web)
Spring 2005‘:
ENGR 0135: Statics and Mechanics of Materials I (syllabus)
ME 0022: Kinematics of Machinery (syllabus)
ME 1028: Mechanical Design I (syllabus)
Fall 2004:
ENGR 0135: Statics and Mechanics of Materials I (syllabus)
ME 1038: Design for Manufacturing (syllabus)
Summer 2004:
ME 1038: Design for Manufacturing (syllabus)
at the University of Georgia: (Jun. 2003 – Apr. 2004):
Spring 2004:
ENGR 3760: Biomechanics (syllabus)
ENGR 4920: Engineering Project (co-taught) (syllabus)
ENGR 4300: Mechanism Design II (syllabus)
Fall 2003:
ENGR 4740: Biomaterials (syllabus)
ENGR 3300: Mechanism Design I (syllabus)
ENGR Lab: Mechanism Design Lab – Pro/Engineer (syllabus)
Summer 2003:
ENGR 2120: Engineering Statics (syllabus)